
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences

Author ORCID Identifier

SIHAM', 'siham MENCOU: 0009-0008-8530-3495

MAJID BENYAKHLEF: 0000-0002-6696-9426

ELBACHIR TAZI: 0000-0002-3624-4942




Direct torque control is the most appropriate strategy for induction motor drive systems, due to its considerable ability to reduce the impact of of machine parameter variations, while offering fast dynamic response and simplified control implementation. However, persistent problems associated with high torque ripple and variable switching frequencies prevent its widespread adoption. To overcome these limitations, several techniques have been developed, in particular the use of multi-level inverters and fuzzy logic algorithms. This article proposes an in-depth evaluation of these techniques in a MATALB/Simulink environment, under various operational conditions. The main objective is to provide a detailed performance analysis of these approaches, examining their effectiveness in torque and flux ripple reduction, switching frequency management, robustness, computation time, cost, current harmonic distortion and algorithm complexity. These results will help to select the most appropriate control strategy for specific applications.


Direct Torque Control, Fuzzy Logic, Induction Motor, Multilevel Inverter.

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