
Turkish Journal of Mathematics

Author ORCID Identifier

ZOHREH ALIABADI: 0000-0001-9728-2769

TEKGÜL KALAYCI: 0000-0002-8472-9792


The Euclidean hull of a linear code C is defined as C ∩ C⊥ , where C⊥ denotes the dual of C underthe Euclidean inner product. A linear code with the trivial hull is called a linear complementary dual (LCD) code. Apair (C,D) of linear codes of length n over the finite field Fq is called a linear complementary pair (LCP) of codes ifC ⊕ D = Fnq. More generally, a pair (C,D) of linear codes of the same length over Fq is called a linear ℓ -intersectionpair of codes if C ∩D has dimension ℓ as a vector space over Fq . In this paper, we give characterizations of LCD, LCPof cyclic codes and one-dimensional hull cyclic codes of length qm − 1, m ≥ 1, over Fq in terms of their basic dual zerosets and their trace representations. We also formulate the hull dimension of a cyclic code of arbitrary length over Fqwith respect to its basic dual zero set. Moreover, we provide a general formula for the dimension ℓ of the intersection oftwo cyclic codes of arbitrary length over Fq based on their basic dual zero sets.




Cyclic codes, hull of linear codes, linear complementary dual codes, linear complementary pair of codes, trace representation, basic dual zero set

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