
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences


In this work, three simple configurations of meminductor mutator are presented. The first two configurations of meminductor mutator have been implemented utilizing one CMOS-based operational amplifier, one memristor, one capacitor, and five resistors, while the third configuration of meminductor mutator is implemented utilizing one CMOS based operational amplifier, two memristors, one capacitor, and four resistors. The implementation and simulation of the proposed configurations are done by using LTspice tool. The viability of the proposed circuits is demonstrated by utilizing TSMC 180 nm CMOS technology parameters. The proposed circuits of the meminductor have a simple structure in contrast to many of the circuits presented in the literature and operate satisfactorily over a wide range of frequencies. The functionality of the proposed circuits is verified through utilization of both the spice model of memristor and a memristor emulator circuit. A chaotic oscillator and second-order high pass filter are designed using the proposed meminductor to verify its workability.




Meminductor, pinch hysteresis loop, memristor, emulator, operational amplifier

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