
Turkish Journal of Botany

Author ORCID Identifier

MEI-LIN QIAN: 0000-0001-2345-6789

YA-PING CHEN: 0000-0002-7502-1848

TUNCAY DİRMENCİ: 0000-0003-3038-6904

YUEFEI ZHAO: 0000-0001-7328-2262

GUO-XIONG HU: 0009-0007-6983-0626

FERHAT CELEP: 0000-0003-3280-8373

BO LI: 0000-0003-1628-8128

CHUNLEI XIANG: 0000-0001-8775-6967


With approximately 80 species across six genera (Leonurus, Lagopsis, Panzerina, Lagochilus, Chaiturus, and Loxocalyx), the tribe Leonureae represents one of the most morphologically diverse tribes within the subfamily Lamioideae of Lamiaceae. Previous studies indicated that Leonurus and Lagopsis are not monophyletic, and relationships among and within these genera remain unclear due to limited sampling and DNA markers. In this study, we present the most comprehensive phylogenomic analyses of Leonureae based on complete plastome sequences and 127 nuclear loci retrieved from next-generation sequencing data. Our results provide strong evidence for the monophyly of Leonureae, which can be further divided into six major clades. Consistent with previous studies, our analyses support that the traditionally defined Leonurus and Lagopsis are not monophyletic and should be reclassified. Consequently, we propose a new genus, Paraleonurus, along with six new combinations, based on molecular phylogenetic results and morphological evidences. The new genus differs from other genera of Leonureae by having palmately 3-lobed leaves, long spikelike verticillasters, inconspicuously 2-lipped calyces, and a emarginate middle lobe of lower corolla lip.




Lagochilus, Lagopsis, Leonurus, Next-generation sequencing, Paraleonurus, taxonomy

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