Turkish Journal of Botany
Phenotypic plasticity was investigated in Commelina communis L. ( Commelinaceae), which is a perennial herb native to temperate Asia (China) and widely naturalised in the central and eastern Black Sea regions were investiguted C. communis has a relatively high ecological tolerance with respect to climatic and soil factors. It was found that the shoot length, leaf width, number of branches, dead leaves and flowers, root:shoot ratio, total -flower- and root biomasses, flower and root ni-trogen and RE 1 and RE 2 varied significantly in among the three populations. In addition, there were statistically important correlations between reproductive effort (RE) values in the three natural populations of C. communis. Consequently, it was concluded that C. communis has a high phenotypic plasticity.
Commeline communis L., Pheotypic Plasticity, Reproductive Effort, Soil Factors
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KUTBAY, Hamdi Güray and UÇKAN, Fevzi (1998) "Phenotypic Plasticity in Turkish Commelina communis L.(Commelinaceae) Populations," Turkish Journal of Botany: Vol. 22: No. 3, Article 7. Available at: https://journals.tubitak.gov.tr/botany/vol22/iss3/7